
Currently supported calibration procedures:

Depth Calibration

Camera calibration is a process of determining the intrinsic, extrinsic, and distortion parameters of a camera. These are required for a camera to be able to map points in the 3D world to 2D points in an image, and vice versa, to undistort images, and to determine depth from stereo images.

From these parameters, camera also calculates the rectification matrices which are used to rectify (align) the images from the stereo camera pair, so the StereoDepth node can then perform stereo disparity calculation and depth estimation.


All OAK cameras (except Modular line) are calibrated before shipment, and it’s not required to (re-)calibrate them.

For the OAK FFC camera modules it is necessary to perform camera calibration after mounting the cameras in the desired configuration.

Watching the video below will give you the steps needed to calibrate your own DepthAI. For more information/details on calibration options, please see the steps below and also ./ --help which will print out all of the calibration options.


If you don’t yet have the depthai repository on your computer, you’d need to clone it and install the requirements:

git clone
cd depthai
git submodule update --init --recursive

Prepare charuco board

We have found the best results by displaying the charuco board to a TV or a large (flat, not curved!) monitor. Larger screens are better, as they allow more charuco markers to be visible in the image, which typically improves the calibration accuracy. Depending on the screen size (diagonal, in inches), we suggest displaying the following charuco board in full-screen:

If you have a different screen size, we suggest rounding down, so for eg. 30” screen, use 15 squaresX, 8 squaresY Charuco board.

If displaying the charuco board on a monitor is not possible, the second best option would be to print the board to a flat surface, free of wrinkles and/or ‘waves’. You can also print it to a piece of paper (eg. A3) and glue it to a solid, flat surface (eg. a piece of plywood).

Display the charuco board

When displaying the charuco board, markers and squares should be sharp and clearly visible. A few things to keep in mind:

  • Screen shouldn’t be too bright (or too dim), as it will cause oversatured images, which will make it harder for the camera to detect the markers.

  • Don’t have bright lights / sun shining directly on the screen

  • Display the charuco board in full-screen, so that the markers are as large as possible


Afterwards, you need to measure the square size of the charuco board, as we will need it later.


Measuring square size, which is 3.76 cm in this case

Creating custom configuration for modular OAK devices


If you have a compact OAK device (OAK-D, OAK-D-Lite, OAK-D-Pro PoE….), you can skip this step.

If you are using a Modular Camera Designs (OAK-FFC-4P, 3P, 6P), you will need to create a custom board config file, which will describe the camera configuration on your device.

Use one of the board *.json files from here as a template for your custom board config.


It is best to use a template which has similar camera configuration to your custom board.

In the board config we define the cameras, their sockets and their positions relative to the other cameras. Each camera should have the following information:

  • Board socket name the camera is connected to - defined on the board PCB (e.g. CAM_A, CAM_B, CAM_C, CAM_D, …)

  • HFOV of the camera module (documentation)

  • Type of camera (color/mono)

  • Its relative position to some other camera on the device:
    • translation [x, y, z]

    • rotation [r, p, y]

Example for OAK-FFC-4P with two OV9282 (PY003) cameras in stereo setup with 14.8cm basline, with IMX378 (PY052) between them, 5cm from the right mono camera:

        "name": "Custom FFC",
        "revision": "R1M0E1",
            "CAM_C": {
                "name": "right",
                "hfov": 71.86,
                "type": mono,
                "extrinsics": {
                    "to_cam": CAM_B,
                    "specTranslation": {
                        "x": 14.8,
                        "y": 0,
                        "z": 0
                        "r": 0,
                        "p": 0,
                        "y": 0
            "CAM_B": {
                "name": "left",
                "hfov": 71.86,
                "type": "mono",
                "extrinsics": {
                    "to_cam": "CAM_A",
                    "specTranslation": {
                        "x": -9.8,
                        "y": 0,
                        "z": 0
                        "r": 0,
                        "p": 0,
                        "y": 0
            "CAM_A": {
                "name": "middle",
                "hfov": 69,
                "type": "color"

            "left_cam": "CAM_B",
            "right_cam": "CAM_C"

Another example using OAK-FFC-4P, but this time without the color camera:

        "name": "Custom FFC",
        "revision": "R1M0E1",
            "CAM_C": {
                "name": "right",
                "hfov":  71.86,
                "type": "mono",
                "extrinsics": {
                    "to_cam": "CAM_B",
                    "specTranslation": {
                        "x": 14.8,
                        "y": 0,
                        "z": 0
                        "r": 0,
                        "p": 0,
                        "y": 0
            "CAM_B": {
                "name": "left",
                "hfov":  71.86,
                "type": "mono"
            "left_cam": "CAM_B",
            "right_cam": "CAM_C"

Having set up the board config, we can now run the calibration with name of the json config as board name.

Run the calibration script

Replace the placeholder argument values with valid entries:

python3 -s [SQUARE_SIZE_IN_CM] --board [BOARD] -nx [squaresX] -ny [squaresY]

For calibrating the OAK-D S2 on a 32” screen, you should use the 17 squaresX, 9 squaresY charuco board, and the square size is 3.76 cm (measured above). I will run the following command:

python3 -s 3.76 --board OAK-D-S2 -nx 17 -ny 9

For calibrating a modular OAK device (OAK-FFC-4P, 3P, 6P), you should use the custom board config file you created in the previous step. Since we named the config file OAK-FFC-4P.json, we’ll run the calibration as:

python3 -s 3.76 --board OAK-FFC-4P -nx 17 -ny 9

or if for the example without an RGB camera:

python3 -s 3.76 --board OAK-FFC-4P -nx 17 -ny 9 -drgb
More important arguments. For a full list of arguments, run python3 --help


Arg long

Arg Description



Measured square size of the printed charuco board in centimeters



Name of the camera (from depthai-boards, not case-sensitive), or path to a custom .json board config



Number of squares in X direction. SquaresX is specified in Prepare charuco board, depending on your screen size.



Number of squares in Y direction. SquaresY is specified in Prepare charuco board, depending on your screen size.



Camera mode, either perspective (default) or fisheye.



Minimum percentage of detected markers in a frame, to consider the frame valid. Default is 0.5 (50%). If you want to bemore strict, you can increase this value, but it can cause longer time to get enough valid frames.



Maximum epipolar error in pixels, to consider the frame valid. Default is 0.7. If you want to be more strict, you can decrease this value.

Camera positioning during calibration

We suggest capturing the calibration from different angles and distances, as it will help the calibration algorithm to find the best possible calibration.

  • 1. Close to the screen; calibration board covers almost the entire FOV. Take 5 images to cover the entire FOV of the camera:

    • Front view, calibration board in the middle of the FOV (example)

    • Without moving (translation) the camera, only with rotation align the camera FOV with calibration board edges (examples: bottom-right, top-left, top-right, bottom-left)

  • 2. Close to the screen, from the side. 4 or more images of the calibration board tilted, but still covering majority of the FOV. Move the camera to the top, bottom, left, and right side of the screen. You can use different distances as well

  • 3. Middle distance; calibration board covers 40% of the FOV. Take 5 images to cover the entire FOV of the camera (9 were taken in the video tutorial, but 5 is enough):

    • Front view, calibration board in the middle of the FOV (example)

    • Same as for Close to the screen, without moving, only with rotation align the camera FOV with calibration board edges

  • 4. Far from the screen; calibration board covers only a small part of the FOV. In total, take 9 images to cover the entire FOV of the camera:

    • Frontal view, calibration board in the middle of the FOV (example)

    • Similar to close/middle distance, take 4 images aligning the camera FOV to all 4 edges (example: top-left)

    • Besides aligning with all 4 edges, also take 4 images aligning with corners (examples: top, bottom, left, right)


Different camera rotations/positions during calibration, birdseye-view

Close for Normal FOV with 28” screen would be about 50cm, and far about 1m.


Camera poses in respect to the calibration board (black dots), Normal FOV


Camera poses in respect to the calibration board (black dots), Wide FOV

Follow the same procedure as for the compact camera calibration above.

Running the calibration

After capturing images, we can run the calibration. This is done by pressing s key. The script will show epiplolar lines for each image, and you should check if they are aligned correctly. Once all images are checked, the calibration result (if successful) will be flashed on to the device EEPROM. Each captured image is saved in the dataset folder, so you can re-run the calibration process on its own, without having to capture the images again.

python3 -s 3.76 --board OAK-D-S2 -nx 17 -ny 9 -m process

Calibration results are stored inside the resources folder and can be used later for testing/debugging purposes. You can also load/flash this local calibration file to the device - see here for more details.

Test depth

For testing depth quality, we suggest using DepthAI Viewer (PyPi), which can be installed by following Getting Started instructions.


  • If calibration fails with error: High reprojection error!, the usual cause is misconfigured board config. Many times this is due to incorrect specified HFOV of used camera module.

  • If you find that despite successfully calibrating the cameras and confirming the epiplolar lines correctly align left and right, the depth is still incorrect, perhaps your left and right cameras are swapped. In that case you could retry the calibration with changed board config, or simply swap the board sockets the cameras are plugged into.

TOF Calibration

The Time-of-Flight (ToF) calibration is essential for aligning the ToF sensor with other cameras in the system. This procedure focuses on obtaining extrinsic parameters, which are crucial for ensuring coordinated operation among different cameras. Note that this calibration does not enhance the depth accuracy, as that aspect is managed by the device’s firmware.

Calibration procedure

The procedure should be the same as for the Depth Calibration procedure. If you have already installed the DepthAI repository, you can update it for TOF calibration with the following commands:

git checkout new_tof_calib
git submodule update --init --recursive

After updating the boards, install the updated DepthAI Python libraries:

python3 .\

To start the calibration process, run with the appropriate parameters for the Charuco board you are using. For example:

python3 -db -nx 12 -ny 9 -c 1 -cd 0 -s 6 -ms 4.7 -brd OAK-D-SR-POE

Where the parameters are as follows:

  • -db: Indicates the default board, meaning you are using Charuco markers.

  • -nx: Number of Charuco markers in the x direction.

  • -ny: Number of Charuco markers in the y direction.

  • -c: Number of pictures taken each time the polygon is displayed (optional, suggested to be left out in your case).

  • -cd: Countdown time before a picture is taken in seconds (optional, suggested for faster image calibration).

  • -s: Size of the square around the Charuco marker in centimeters.

  • -ms: Size of the markers in centimeters.

  • -brd: Board of the device (in this case, OAK-D-SR-POE).

Note that TOF calibration can be challenging because the board must be close to the camera to detect Charuco boards. If you encounter errors such as division by zero or Failed to detect markers in the image dataset/rgb/rgb_p3_10.png, you should go to the dataset folder and delete the picture with poor detection of Charuco boards (in all camera folders). Then, run the same code again with the added parameter -m process. This will initiate only the processing stage, so you won’t have to retake pictures of the board.

python3 -db -nx 12 -ny 9 -c 1 -cd 0 -s 6 -ms 4.7 -brd OAK-D-SR-POE -m process

Got questions?

Head over to Discussion Forum for technical support or any other questions you might have.