
The OakCamera class abstracts:

  • DepthAI API pipeline building with Components.

  • Stream recording and replaying.

  • Debugging features (such as oak.show_graph()).

  • AI model sourcing and decoding.

  • Message syncing & visualization, and much more.


This class will be in alpha stage until depthai-sdk 2.0.0, so there will likely be some API changes.

Interoperability with DepthAI API

DepthAI SDK was developed with DepthAI API interoperability in mind. Users can access all depthai API nodes inside components, along with the dai.Pipeline (oak.pipeline) and dai.Device (oak.device) objects.

from depthai_sdk import OakCamera
import depthai as dai

with OakCamera() as oak:
    color = oak.create_camera('color')
    nn = oak.create_nn('mobilenet-ssd', color)
    oak.visualize([nn.out.passthrough, nn], fps=True)

    nn.node.setNumInferenceThreads(2) # Configure components' nodes

    features = oak.pipeline.create(dai.node.FeatureTracker) # Create new pipeline nodes

    out = oak.pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)

    oak.start() # Start the pipeline (upload it to the OAK)

    q = oak.device.getOutputQueue('features') # Create output queue after calling start()
    while oak.running():
        if q.has():
            result = q.get()
        # Since we are not in blocking mode, we have to poll oak camera to
        # visualize frames, call callbacks, process keyboard keys, etc.


Below there are a few basic examples. See all examples here.

Here are a few demos that have been developed with DepthAI SDK:

  1. age-gender,

  2. emotion-recognition,

  3. full-fov-nn,

  4. head-posture-detection,

  5. pedestrian-reidentification,

  6. people-counter,

  7. people-tracker,

  8. mask-detection,

  9. yolo.

  10. Roboflow.

Preview color and mono cameras

from depthai_sdk import OakCamera

with OakCamera() as oak:
    color = oak.create_camera('color')
    left = oak.create_camera('left')
    right = oak.create_camera('right')
    oak.visualize([color, left, right], fps=True)

Run MobilenetSSD on color camera

Run face-detection-retail-0004 on left camera

from depthai_sdk import OakCamera

with OakCamera() as oak:
    left = oak.create_camera('left')
    nn = oak.create_nn('face-detection-retail-0004', left)
    oak.visualize([nn.out.main, nn.out.passthrough], scale=2/3, fps=True)

Deploy models from Roboflow and Roboflow Universe with Depth SDK

from depthai_sdk import OakCamera

# Download & deploy a model from Roboflow universe:
# # https://universe.roboflow.com/david-lee-d0rhs/american-sign-language-letters/dataset/6

with OakCamera() as oak:
    color = oak.create_camera('color')
    model_config = {
        'source': 'roboflow', # Specify that we are downloading the model from Roboflow
        'key':'181b0f6e43d59ee5ea421cd77f6d9ea2a4b059f8' # Fake API key, replace with your own!
    nn = oak.create_nn(model_config, color)
    oak.visualize(nn, fps=True)


class depthai_sdk.OakCamera(device=None, usb_speed=None, replay=None, rotation=0, config=None, args=True)

OakCamera improves ease of use when developing apps for OAK devices.

It abstracts DepthAI API pipeline building, different camera permutations, stream recording/replaying, it adds debugging features, does AI model handling, message syncing & visualization, and much more.

It was designed with interoperability with depthai API in mind.

camera(source, resolution=None, fps=None, encode=None)

Creates Camera component. This abstracts ColorCamera/MonoCamera nodes and supports mocking the camera when recording is passed during OakCamera initialization. Mocking the camera will send frames from the host to the OAK device (via XLinkIn node).

  • source (str / dai.CameraBoardSocket) – Camera source

  • resolution (str/SensorResolution) – Sensor resolution of the camera.

  • fps (float) – Sensor FPS

  • encode (bool/str/Profile) – Whether we want to enable video encoding (accessible via cameraComponent.out_encoded). If True, it will use MJPEG

Return type


create_camera(source, resolution=None, fps=None, encode=None)

Deprecated, use camera() instead.

Creates Camera component. This abstracts ColorCamera/MonoCamera nodes and supports mocking the camera when recording is passed during OakCamera initialization. Mocking the camera will send frames from the host to the OAK device (via XLinkIn node).

  • source (str / dai.CameraBoardSocket) – Camera source

  • resolution (str/SensorResolution) – Sensor resolution of the camera.

  • fps (float) – Sensor FPS

  • encode (bool/str/Profile) – Whether we want to enable video encoding (accessible via cameraComponent.out_encoded). If True, it will use MJPEG

Return type


all_cameras(resolution=None, fps=None, encode=None)

Creates Camera component for each camera sensors on the OAK camera.

  • resolution (str/SensorResolution) – Sensor resolution of the camera.

  • fps (float) – Sensor FPS

  • encode (bool/str/Profile) – Whether we want to enable video encoding (accessible via cameraComponent.out_encoded). If True, it will use MJPEG

Return type


create_all_cameras(resolution=None, fps=None, encode=None)

Deprecated, use all_cameras() instead.

Creates Camera component for each camera sensors on the OAK camera.

  • resolution (str/SensorResolution) – Sensor resolution of the camera.

  • fps (float) – Sensor FPS

  • encode (bool/str/Profile) – Whether we want to enable video encoding (accessible via cameraComponent.out_encoded). If True, it will use MJPEG

Return type


create_nn(model, input, nn_type=None, tracker=False, spatial=None, decode_fn=None)

Creates Neural Network component.

  • model (str / Path) – str for SDK supported model or Path to custom model’s json/blob

  • input (CameraComponent/NNComponent) – Input to the model. If NNComponent (detector), it creates 2-stage NN

  • nn_type (str) – Type of the network (yolo/mobilenet) for on-device NN result decoding (only needed if blob path was specified)

  • tracker (bool) – Enable object tracker, if model is object detector (yolo/mobilenet)

  • spatial (Union[None, bool, depthai_sdk.components.stereo_component.StereoComponent]) – Calculate 3D spatial coordinates, if model is object detector (yolo/mobilenet) and depth stream is available

  • decode_fn (Optional[Callable]) – Custom decoding function for the model’s output

Return type


stereo(resolution=None, fps=None, left=None, right=None, encode=None)

Create Stereo camera component. If left/right cameras/component aren’t specified they will get created internally.

  • resolution (str/SensorResolution) – If monochrome cameras aren’t already passed, create them and set specified resolution

  • fps (float) – If monochrome cameras aren’t already passed, create them and set specified FPS

  • left (CameraComponent/dai.node.MonoCamera) – Pass the camera object (component/node) that will be used for stereo camera.

  • right (CameraComponent/dai.node.MonoCamera) – Pass the camera object (component/node) that will be used for stereo camera.

  • encode (bool/str/Profile) – Whether we want to enable video encoding (accessible via StereoComponent.out.encoded). If True, it will use h264 codec.

Return type


create_stereo(resolution=None, fps=None, left=None, right=None, name=None, encode=None)

Deprecated, use stereo() instead.

Create Stereo camera component. If left/right cameras/component aren’t specified they will get created internally.

  • resolution (str/SensorResolution) – If monochrome cameras aren’t already passed, create them and set specified resolution

  • fps (float) – If monochrome cameras aren’t already passed, create them and set specified FPS

  • left (CameraComponent/dai.node.MonoCamera) – Pass the camera object (component/node) that will be used for stereo camera.

  • right (CameraComponent/dai.node.MonoCamera) – Pass the camera object (component/node) that will be used for stereo camera.

  • encode (bool/str/Profile) – Whether we want to enable video encoding (accessible via StereoComponent.out.encoded). If True, it will use h264 codec.

  • name (Optional[str]) –

Return type



Create IMU component

Return type


create_pointcloud(stereo=None, colorize=None)
Return type


config_pipeline(xlink_chunk=None, calib=None, tuning_blob=None, openvino_version=None)

Configures DepthAI pipeline. @param xlink_chunk: Chunk size of XLink messages. 0 can result in lower latency @param calib: Calibration data to be uploaded to OAK @param tuning_blob: Camera tuning blob @param openvino_version: Force specific OpenVINO version


Start the application - upload the pipeline to the OAK device. :param blocking: Continuously loop and call oak.poll() until program exits :type blocking: bool


Check if camera is running. :returns: True if camera is running, False otherwise.

Return type



Poll events; cv2.waitKey, send controls to OAK (if controls are enabled), update, check syncs.

Returns: key pressed from cv2.waitKey, or None if

Return type


sync(outputs, callback, visualize=False)
  • outputs (Union[depthai_sdk.components.component.ComponentOutput, List[depthai_sdk.components.component.ComponentOutput]]) –

  • callback (Callable) –

record(outputs, path, record_type=<RecordType.VIDEO: 1>)

Record component outputs. This handles syncing multiple streams (eg. left, right, color, depth) and saving them to the computer in desired format (raw, mp4, mcap, bag..).

  • outputs (Component/Component output) – Component output(s) to be recorded.

  • path (str) – Folder path where to save these streams.

  • record_type (depthai_sdk.record.RecordType) – Record type.

Return type



Shows DepthAI Pipeline graph, which can be useful when debugging. You must call this BEFORE calling the oak.start()!

visualize(output, record_path=None, scale=None, fps=False, callback=None, visualizer='opencv')

Visualize component output(s). This handles output streaming (OAK->host), message syncing, and visualizing.

  • output (Component/Component output) – Component output(s) to be visualized. If component is passed, SDK will visualize its default output (out()).

  • record_path (Optional[str]) – Path where to store the recording (visualization window name gets appended to that path), supported formats: mp4, avi.

  • scale (Optional[float]) – Scale the output window by this factor.

  • fps – Whether to show FPS on the output window.

  • callback (Optional[Callable]) – Instead of showing the frame, pass the Packet to the callback function, where it can be displayed.

  • visualizer (str) – Which visualizer to use. Options: ‘opencv’, ‘depthai-viewer’, ‘robothub’.

Return type


queue(output, max_size=30)

Create a queue for the component output(s). This handles output streaming (OAK->Host) and message syncing.

  • output (Union[depthai_sdk.components.component.ComponentOutput, depthai_sdk.components.component.Component, List]) – Component output(s) to be visualized. If component is passed, SDK will visualize its default output.

  • max_size (int) – Maximum queue size for this output.

Return type


callback(output, callback, main_thread=False)

Create a callback for the component output(s). This handles output streaming (OAK->Host) and message syncing.

  • output (Union[List, Callable, depthai_sdk.components.component.Component]) – Component output(s) to be visualized. If component is passed, SDK will visualize its default output.

  • callback (Callable) – Handler function to which the Packet will be sent.

  • main_thread – Whether to run the callback in the main thread. If False, it will call the callback in a separate thread, so some functions (eg. cv2.imshow) won’t work.

Return type



Publish component output(s) to ROS streams.


output (Union[List, depthai_sdk.components.component.ComponentOutput, depthai_sdk.components.component.Component]) –

Return type


trigger_action(trigger, action)
  • trigger (depthai_sdk.trigger_action.triggers.abstract_trigger.Trigger) –

  • action (Union[depthai_sdk.trigger_action.actions.abstract_action.Action, Callable]) –

Return type


property sensors

Returns list of all sensors added to the pipeline.

Got questions?

Head over to Discussion Forum for technical support or any other questions you might have.