• CLI
  • General commands
  • Cloud commands
  • Devices commands
  • Apps commands


The Luxonis Hub Agent comes with a command-line interface (CLI) that allows you to interact with and manage the agent and its connected devices. This section covers the usage and available commands for the CLI.To use the CLI, open your terminal and run the following command:
Command Line
1hubctl [command] [options]
Replace [command] with one of the available commands described below and [options] with any applicable command-specific options.

General commands

version - Prints the version of the Luxonis Hub Agent.An example:
Command Line
1$ hubctl version
2Installed agent version: 24.55.1308
status - Prints the status of the Luxonis Hub Agent.An example:
Command Line
1$ hubctl status
3║                                                               ║
4║ Luxonis Hub Agent (24.55.1308 | linux/arm64 | DepthAI 2.21.2)5║                                                               ║
8Web UI                   https://localhost:9010
9DepthAI                  2.21.2 
11Connected to cloud?      yes (https://hub.luxonis.com)
12Team                     Luxonis
13Pending detections       0
16Link to robot in cloud
start - Starts the Luxonis Hub Agent.
Requires root privileges
An example:
Command Line
1$ sudo hubctl start
stop - Stops the Luxonis Hub Agent.
Requires root privileges
An example:
Command Line
1$ sudo hubctl stop
restart - Restarts the Luxonis Hub Agent.
Requires root privileges
An example:
Command Line
1$ sudo hubctl restart
startup - Enables or disables automatic launch of the Luxonis Hub Agent on startup.Arguments:
  • enable enables automatic launch
  • disable disables automatic launch
An example:
Command Line
1$ hubctl startup enable
logs - Displays logs from the Luxonis Hub Agent.Options:
  • -f, --follow do not terminate, keep following the logs (default: false)
  • -a, --all prints all available logs (consider piping to less) (default: false)
  • -l, --last <lines> how many lines (from the end to print) (default: "20")
  • --since <linux date> filter since
  • --until <linux date> filter until
  • --format <json|pretty|plain> choose format of logs (default: "pretty")
An example:
Command Line
1$ hubctl logs
263 23:05:28  I  user/agent/hub-connection : received see_you
363 23:05:31  I  user/agent/apps/logs : uploading app logs to RH | pending -> 0
463 23:05:36  I  user/agent/apps/logs : uploading app logs to RH | pending -> 0
563 23:05:41  I  user/agent/apps/logs : uploading app logs to RH | pending -> 0
upload-support - Uploads a support file to Luxonis. Please provide the hash printed at the end to our support team.An example:
Command Line
1$ hubctl upload-support
2File has been uploaded with hash: f0a83c01bc4c7c7f0bd466d6cca2ec9071f8c267e6e65385f744e94f1caa734d
reset - Resets the Luxonis Hub Agent to its post-installation state.
Requires root privileges
An example:
Command Line
1$ sudo hubctl reset --i-understand-consequences --keep-robot-in-cloud

Cloud commands

cloud connect - Connects the Luxonis Hub Agent to Luxonis Hub.An example:
Command Line
1$ hubctl cloud connect
2Already connected to cloud (team Luxonis). Disconnect first to connect again.
3hubctl cloud disconnect
cloud disconnect - Disconnects the Luxonis Hub Agent from Luxonis Hub.An example:
Command Line
1$ hubctl cloud disconnect
cloud force-sync - Forces manual synchronization with Luxonis Hub.An example:
Command Line
1$ hubctl cloud force-sync

Devices commands

devices - Displays a list of devices connected to the Luxonis Hub Agent.An example:
Command Line
1$ hubctl devices
3│ serial             │ name               │ product               │ location │ status  │ connectionStatus │ app  │
5│ 18443010116C870E00 │ 18443010116C870E00 │ OAK-D-PRO-FF (DM9098) │ USB 2.1  │ success │ ready            │ none │

Apps commands

apps list - Displays a list of installed apps.An example:
Command Line
1$ hubctl apps list
3idtype    │ status  │ started at               │ stopped at │
5│ bfeb4f73-f503-458a-8c24-b88258f9523a │ builtin │ Running │ 2024-03-01T08:15:33.282Z │            │