• Troubleshoot
  • Agent status
  • Agent logs
  • Application logs
  • Support file
  • Frequent problems
  • Unable to install application - no such host


Agent status

If the device is not connecting to the cloud, you can check agent status. Connect to the device via SSH and run:
Command Line
1hubctl status
You will receive information regarding whether the agent is running, if it is connected to the cloud, and a direct link to the device page in the cloud. The output should look like this:
Command Line
1$ hubctl status
3║                                                               ║
4║ Luxonis Hub Agent (24.55.1308 | linux/arm64 | DepthAI 2.21.2)5║                                                               ║
8Web UI                   https://localhost:9010
9DepthAI                  2.21.2 
11Connected to cloud?      yes (https://hub.luxonis.com)
12Team                     Luxonis
13Pending detections       0
16Link to robot in cloud
For more information how to use the CLI, please navigate to its documentation page .

Agent logs

Agent logs are accessible via SSH or if connected to the Hub through the Web Terminal on the device detail page. For information on how to work with the logs via SSH, please run:
Command Line
1hubctl help logs

Application logs

When you start the application, logs are available in the Logs tab within the application details. You can copy the logs from there as text if necessary.

Support file

For uploading support file to Luxonis please use:
Command Line
1hubctl upload-support
Support files are encrypted. For analysis, please copy the hash from the command output and provide it to the Luxonis support team.

Frequent problems

Unable to install application - no such host

A common reason the application cannot be installed is due to DNS resolution issues. The DNS server used by the host system, where the agent is installed, might be unable to resolve the correct IP address of the GitHub repository needed for the installation. In such cases, you might encounter a similar no such host message in the error log:
Command Line
1time="2024-05-30T10:23:50+08:00" level=warning msg="Failed to decode the keys [\"storage.imagestore\"] from \"/home/robothub/storage.conf\""
22Error: initializing source docker://ghcr.io/luxonis/robothub-app-v2:2024.117.2129-rvc2-regular: Get "https://ghcr.io/token?scope=repository%3Aluxonis%2Frobothub-app-v2%3Apull&service=ghcr.io": dial tcp: lookup ghcr.io on no such host
The best solution is to use a public DNS service. There are two options for configuring DNS settings:Local settingsThe first possibility is to set the DNS resolver on the local machine. On a Debian-based system, you can modify the /etc/systemd/resolved.conf file to change the DNS and FallbackDNS keys. This can also be done through your system's GUI, making it unnecessary to update configuration files manually.Router settingsAnother option is to change the DNS settings on your router. This ensures that all devices connected to the network use the same DNS settings, providing consistency and simplifying management. To do this, you will need access to your router's administration interface.Recommended public DNS servicesWe recommend using Google Public DNS or Cloudflare's You can find step-by-step instructions here: