• Get started
  • Prerequisites
  • Generate the app
  • Install the app in development mode
  • Open Luxonis Studio
  • Next steps

Get started




Generate the app

Head over to the Luxonis Hub website and head to Apps.Click on Create App and fill out the name. Pick one of available templates (if don't know choose Video Stream).Click on Create.In a few seconds the application should appear in the list of your team apps.

Install the app in development mode

Navigate to the detail of the Robot on which you want to develop the app. Click on Perception Apps and then Install App. In the dialog window select Develop.Choose the app that you just created and the only version that is available.Select the OAK device that you want to use for development and click on Install with selected.Once the app Status shows as Stopped its ready to be used for development.

Open Luxonis Studio

Click on the application you just installed, which opens the detail page.In the right panel, a button with text Code Editor opens the Luxonis Hub Studio.

Next steps