• Luxonis Hub Studio
  • User interface overview
  • Application control panel
  • File list
  • Main code
  • Output

Luxonis Hub Studio

Luxonis Hub Studio is a web-based IDE based on VSCode that allows you to develop and publish your app to the Hub. To launch LH Studio, please log in to the Hub and navigate to your device details. On the App tab, select the app you want to develop. Then, on the Overview tab, click on Code Editor on the right side. The application must be installed in development mode. For instructions on how to do this, please refer to the Get started page.

User interface overview

The LH Studio UI consists of four primary sections:
  • The application control panel
  • The file list
  • The main code area
  • The Output area.

Application control panel

The application control panel is located in the top right corner. From this location, you can initiate your application and monitor its status. When the application is running, you can switch to the Hub to test its behavior.The Publish app button builds the app for usage in the Hub and uploads it to the cloud. Before publishing, you will be asked about the version of the app. We use semantic versioning in the format x.y.z, corresponding to Major, Minor, and Patch in the dialog..

File list

The file list, located in the left panel, includes all the essential files for the application. There is two mandatory files:
  • app.py contains the primary program code to execute the application
  • robothub.toml is utilized for the app configuration in run mode.

Main code

Code examples are available in the Template app section of the documentation.

Template app


The output area is located at the bottom of the user interface, where you can find the application's running logs.