Dot projector
Laser dot projector projects many small dots in front of the device, which helps with disparity matching, especially for low-visual-interest surfaces (blank surfaces with little to no texture), such as a wall or floor. The technique that we use is called ASV - conventional Active Stereo Vision - as stereo matching is performed on the device the same way as on OAK-D (passive stereo).On the image below there’s a blank wall with no texture. Without the dot projector, (passive) depth perception is poor. With the dot projector set to ~200mA, the (active) depth perception looks much better. If you look closely at the bottom left frame, you can see little dots all around the wall.
Ams Belago1.1 Dot-Pattern Infrared Illuminator
DatasheetNumber of dots
HFOI* 50%
78 ± 7%
VFOI* 50%
61° ± 7%
VSCEL wavelength
Operating temperature
10°C to ~60°C
Temperature absolute limits
0°C to ~80°C