• Deploy with RockPi
  • Installing DepthAI on Radxa Zero
  • Connect to WiFi
  • apt update/upgrade
  • Dependencies
  • venv
  • Power Considerations for OAK on Radxa Zero
  • Connecting to Radxa Zero Remotely
  • Installing DepthAI on RockPi 4
  • apt update/upgrade
  • Dependencies
  • venv
  • DepthAI repo
  • Edit .bashrc
  • Power Considerations for OAK on RockPi
  • Connecting to RockPi Remotely
  • Installing DepthAI on RockPi 4 SE
  • apt update/upgrade
  • Dependencies
  • venv
  • DepthAI repo
  • Edit .bashrc
  • Power Considerations for OAK on RockPi
  • Connecting to RockPi Remotely

Deploy with RockPi

Connecting OAK devices to RockPi single-board computers (SBCs) brings AI vision capabilities to low-cost, high-performance platforms. To install the DepthAI library on a RockPi device, follow these steps to install dependencies and the library itself through pip. Prebuilt wheels for various platforms can be checked on PyPi.
RockPi 4
RockPi 4 SE
Radxa Zero

Installing DepthAI on RockPi 4

To install DepthAI on RockPi 4, you can follow the steps below.Currently tested OS versions include:
  • Ubuntu Server (20.04)
  • Debian 11 Desktop

apt update/upgrade

Open a terminal window and run the following commands to update your system:
Command Line
1sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade


Install the DepthAI dependencies:
Command Line
1sudo wget -qO- https://docs.luxonis.com/install_dependencies.sh | bash
This script should handle most dependency installations. Double-check for any RockPi-specific dependencies if this script fails.


It's a good practice to use a Python virtual environment:
Command Line
1sudo apt install python3-venv
2python3 -m venv depthai-env
3source depthai-env/bin/activate
Ensure you activate the virtual environment before proceeding with the DepthAI installation.

DepthAI repo

Clone the DepthAI repository and install the library
Command Line
1git clone https://github.com/luxonis/depthai-python.git
2cd depthai-python
3python3 examples/install_requirements.py

Edit .bashrc

Last step is to edit .bashrc with the line:
Command Line
1echo "export OPENBLAS_CORETYPE=ARMV8" >> ~/.bashrc

Power Considerations for OAK on RockPi

While RockPi devices are generally capable of powering OAK cameras directly via USB, it's wise to monitor the power draw, especially when connecting multiple peripherals. For high-power OAK devices or multiple USB devices, consider an externally powered USB hub or specific power arrangements recommended by OAK documentation.

Connecting to RockPi Remotely

Similar to other SBCs, you can connect to your RockPi remotely via SSH for headless operation:
Command Line
1ssh username@rockpi_ip_address
Ensure that SSH is enabled on your RockPi. The process for enabling SSH may vary slightly depending on the specific OS version you are using.For graphical applications or to display GUI elements from your RockPi to a local machine, X11 forwarding can be used with the -X flag:
Command Line
1ssh -X username@rockpi_ip_address
If using Debian 11 Desktop, you can also use VNC for full graphical desktop access:Or, set up VNC for full graphical desktop access:
  • Install a VNC server on your RockPi.
  • Enable and configure the VNC server.
  • Connect using a VNC client from another computer.