
SystemLogger node is used to get system information of the device.

How to place it

pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
logger = pipeline.create(dai.node.SystemLogger)
dai::Pipeline pipeline;
auto logger = pipeline.create<dai::node::SystemLogger>();

Inputs and Outputs

│              │
│              │    out
│ SystemLogger ├────────►
│              │
│              │

Message types


pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
logger = pipeline.create(dai.node.SystemLogger)
logger.setRate(1)  # 1 Hz

# Send system info to the host via XLink
xout = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
dai::Pipeline pipeline;
auto logger = pipeline.create<dai::node::SystemLogger>();\
logger->setRate(1.0f);  // 1 Hz

// Send system info to the host via XLink
auto xout = pipeline.create<dai::node::XLinkOut>();

Examples of functionality


class depthai.node.SystemLogger

SystemLogger node. Send system information periodically.

class Connection

Connection between an Input and Output

class Id

Node identificator. Unique for every node on a single Pipeline

getAssetManager(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getAssetManager(self: depthai.Node) -> depthai.AssetManager

Get node AssetManager as a const reference

  1. getAssetManager(self: depthai.Node) -> depthai.AssetManager

Get node AssetManager as a const reference

getInputRefs(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getInputRefs(self: depthai.Node) -> List[depthai.Node.Input]

Retrieves reference to node inputs

  1. getInputRefs(self: depthai.Node) -> List[depthai.Node.Input]

Retrieves reference to node inputs

getInputs(self: depthai.Node) → List[depthai.Node.Input]

Retrieves all nodes inputs

getName(self: depthai.Node)str

Retrieves nodes name

getOutputRefs(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getOutputRefs(self: depthai.Node) -> List[depthai.Node.Output]

Retrieves reference to node outputs

  1. getOutputRefs(self: depthai.Node) -> List[depthai.Node.Output]

Retrieves reference to node outputs

getOutputs(self: depthai.Node) → List[depthai.Node.Output]

Retrieves all nodes outputs

getParentPipeline(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getParentPipeline(self: depthai.Node) -> depthai.Pipeline

  2. getParentPipeline(self: depthai.Node) -> depthai.Pipeline

getRate(self: depthai.node.SystemLogger)float

Gets logging rate, at which messages will be sent out

property id

Id of node

property out

Outputs SystemInformation message that carries various system information like memory and CPU usage, temperatures, …

setRate(self: depthai.node.SystemLogger, hz: float)None

Specify logging rate, at which messages will be sent out

Parameter hz:

Sending rate in hertz (messages per second)

class dai::node::SystemLogger : public dai::NodeCRTP<Node, SystemLogger, SystemLoggerProperties>

SystemLogger node. Send system information periodically.

Public Functions

SystemLogger(const std::shared_ptr<PipelineImpl> &par, int64_t nodeId)
SystemLogger(const std::shared_ptr<PipelineImpl> &par, int64_t nodeId, std::unique_ptr<Properties> props)
void setRate(float hz)

Specify logging rate, at which messages will be sent out

  • hz: Sending rate in hertz (messages per second)

float getRate()

Gets logging rate, at which messages will be sent out

Public Members

Output out = {*this, "out", Output::Type::MSender, {{DatatypeEnum::SystemInformation, false}}}

Outputs SystemInformation message that carries various system information like memory and CPU usage, temperatures, …

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr const char *NAME = "SystemLogger"

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