Release Notes

Update bootloader

In the running logs, you will find the following warning:
Command Line
1[2024-05-24 20:46:14.962] [depthai] [warning] [1944301041AA751300] [] Flashed bootloader version 0.0.21, less than 0.0.28 is susceptible to bootup/restart failure. Upgrading is advised, flashing main/factory (not user) bootloader. Available: 0.0.28
To update the bootloader, please use Device Manager . We have also prepared a video tutorial to guide you through the bootloader update process.


DepthAI 2.27.0

Released June 27, 2024


  • Automatic crash dump collection when DEPTHAI_ENABLE_FEEDBACK_CRASHDUMP is set

Bug fixes

  • Fix PointCloud generation when depth comes out of the ImageAlign node
  • Fix IMX214 (OAK Lite) potential crash on init with more complex pipelines
  • Fix a rare bug on a crash if a camera stream is closed after 1 second while AF is running

Python only

  • Add support for numpy 2

DepthAI 2.26.0

Released: May 26, 2024


  • ImageAlign node
    • it can align depth to any other sensor on the device - works for ToF too.
    • it can align two sensors with a static depth (default at infinity), useful for thermal-rgb alignment
  • Cast node
    • Casts NNData message to ImgFrame
    • Useful in case apps need to use outputs from NeuralNetwork node to be fed into nodes that only accept ImgFrame
  • Full ToF support
    • Running live at 30 FPS
    • Measuring range of 20cm - 6m
    • < 1% error across the range
  • Support for ToF in spatial nodes
  • An option to limit bandwidth over XLink setXLinkRateLimit(int maxRateBytesPerSecond, int burstSize, int delayUs)

Stability improvements and bug fixes

  • Improved PoE stability on reboots - eliminate a case where power cycle of the device was sometimes needed
  • Improved runtime stability of heavy pipelines by increasing priority of the cameras in the NoC
  • Improved ImageManip stability
  • Improved XLink communication to be able to detect memory corruption and avoid it
  • Fix a bug where stereo rectification was inaccurate when the calibration data didn't contain direct link between the two inputs
    • Relevant for custom setups on FFC devices


  • Improve numerical stability of the rectification algorithm
    • Improves stereo quality on wide FOV sensors

Python only

  • Add docs strings to stubs - docs are shown in vscode by default now
  • Fix stubs/autocomplete to correctly work with with dai.Device() as device
  • Fix stubs/autocomplete to return the correct type in getCvFrame function.