DepthAI Viewer
DepthAI Viewer is a GUI application that allows you to easily evaluate the camera by visualizing its output in real-time.DepthAI Viewer is the visualization tool for DepthAI and OAK cameras. It’s a GUI application that will run a demo app by default, which will visualize all streams and run inference on the device. It also allows you to change the configuration of the device. When application starting it is discovering all available cameras - USB and PoE.To install and run the DepthAI Viewer, run the following commands in the terminal:Command Line
1# Install DepthAI Viewer
2python3 -m pip install depthai-viewer
Command Line
1# Run the DepthAI Viewer
2python3 -m depthai_viewer
Please take note that for the first start internet connectivity is necessary, because the application downloads all necessary dependencies.