• Standalone mode
  • Support
  • OAK PoE standalone mode
  • Converting to standalone mode
  • Example
  • Bootloader
  • Flash the pipeline
  • DepthAI Application Package (.dap)
  • Clear flash
  • Factory reset

Standalone mode

Standalone mode allows RVC2-based cameras to start the (flashed application) automatically when it gets powered on, without being connected to any particular host computer. This can especially be useful in multi-cam architectures, where each camera can run its own application without any dependency on the host computer. Each camera can be either a server or a client, and can communicate with other cameras or servers via network protocols (eg. HTTP, TCP, UDP, MQTT...).In contrast, Peripheral mode means that the camera is directly connected to a specific host computer. Host computer connects to an idle device, uploads pipeline + assets (like NN models), and then communicates with the device (eg. gets video stream).Compared to Peripheral mode, Standalone mode:
  • Doesn't require a host computer to start the application, and can connect to different computers/servers independently
  • Is more robust to any instabilities (eg. networking issues, where connection between camera and host computer would drop), as it will auto-restart the application
  • Is faster to start, as host computer doesn't need to send over the pipeline + assets (takes a few seconds)


For RVC2-based cameras, Standalone mode supports depends on flash memory and ability to communicate with the outside world:
  • OAK PoE (RVC2-based) have on-board flash memory, and can communicate with the outside world via network protocols (eg. HTTP, TCP, UDP, MQTT...)
  • OAK USB (RVC2-based) - not supported, as they can't communicate with the outside world
  • [Deprecated] OAK IoT (RVC2-based) have on-board memory and integrated ESP32, which was able to communicate with the outside world via WiFi/Bluetooth.
Devices that have integrated Linux computers can setup their own applications to run on boot:
  • OAK-D CM4 and OAK-D CM4 PoE have integrated Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4
  • Both RVC3 (RAE Robot) and RVC4 (OAK4) chips are running Linux OS, so users can directly SSH into the device, and can setup their own applications to run on boot.

OAK PoE standalone mode

To "communicate" with the outside world (computer), OAK POE cameras can use Script node to send/receive networking packets (HTTP/TCP/UDP...). Here are a few examples:

Converting to standalone mode

Since there won't be direct communication between the host and the device, you first need to remove all XLinkOut and XLinkIn nodes, which is used in peripheral mode for communication between the host and the device.We'll need to add Script node to the pipeline, and stream all data we want (eg. encoded video, NN metadata, IMU results, etc.) to the Script node first, where it will be sent over the network.


Let's update YOLOv8 example to standalone mode. This example uses YOLOv8 model to detect objects in the video stream, and sends the video stream + metadata to the host computer, where it gets visualized (boudning boxes) and displayed to the user.First, we'll need to separate the code into two parts:
  • One part will be the pipeline definition (which will be flashed to the device)
  • The other part will be the host computer code (receiving data, visualizing and displaying it)
In example's source code (Python), we can see that the pipeline definition code is in rows 41 to 75. We can copy this definition to a separate file (eg. oak.py). I'll also remove XLinkOut nodes, as they're ignored in standalone mode, and instead create a Script node, which will be used to send the data over the network.
1pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
3# Define sources and outputs
4camRgb = pipeline.create(dai.node.ColorCamera)
5detectionNetwork = pipeline.create(dai.node.YoloDetectionNetwork)
6# Properties
7camRgb.setPreviewSize(640, 352)
13# Network specific settings
22# Create Script node that will handle TCP communication
23script = pipeline.create(dai.node.Script)
26while True:
27    detections = node.io["detection_in"].get().detections
28    img = node.io["frame_in"].get()
30# Link outputs (RGB stream, NN output) to the Script node
Now, we only need to focus on the Script node part, so it's spin up TCP server and send frames + detections to connected clients. We already have TCP streaming sample code, so we can use that as a base. We'll also have to stream detection results (metadata) to the client, so we'll add that code.Final Script node code will look like this:
1import socket
2import time
3import threading
4node.warn("Server up")
5server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
6server.bind(("", 5000)) # Create TCP server on port 5000
9while True:
10    conn, client = server.accept()
11    node.warn(f"Connected to client IP: {client}")
12    try:
13        while True:
14            detections = node.io["detection_in"].get().detections # Read ImgDetections message, only get detections
15            img = node.io["frame_in"].get() # Read ImgFrame message
16            node.warn('Received frame + dets')
17            img_data = img.getData()
18            ts = img.getTimestamp()
20            det_arr = []
21            for det in detections:
22                det_arr.append(f"{det.label};{(det.confidence*100):.1f};{det.xmin:.4f};{det.ymin:.4f};{det.xmax:.4f};{det.ymax:.4f}")
23            det_str = "|".join(det_arr) # Serialize detections to string, which will get sent to the client
25            header = f"IMG {ts.total_seconds()} {len(img_data)} {len(det_str)}".ljust(32)
26            node.warn(f'>{header}<')
27            conn.send(bytes(header, encoding='ascii')) # Send over the header
28            if 0 < len(det_arr): # Send over serialized detections (if there are any)
29                conn.send(bytes(det_str, encoding='ascii'))
30            conn.send(img_data) # Send over the actual image frame
31    except Exception as e:
32        node.warn("Client disconnected")
Now that we have Pipeline side with Script node ready, we need to create host.py script that will connect to the camera's TCP server, receive the video stream + metadata, and visualize + display the data. We can use host.py script as a base, and modify it to also receive and visualize detections:
1import socket
2import re
3import cv2
4import numpy as np
6# Enter your own IP! After you run oak.py script, it will print the IP in the terminal
7OAK_IP = ""
9labels =  [ "person", "bicycle", "car", "motorbike", "aeroplane", "bus", "train", "truck", "boat", "traffic light", "fire hydrant", "stop sign", "parking meter", "bench", "bird", "cat", "dog", "horse", "sheep", "cow", "elephant", "bear", "zebra", "giraffe", "backpack", "umbrella", "handbag", "tie", "suitcase", "frisbee", "skis", "snowboard", "sports ball", "kite", "baseball bat", "baseball glove", "skateboard", "surfboard", "tennis racket", "bottle", "wine glass", "cup", "fork", "knife", "spoon", "bowl", "banana", "apple", "sandwich", "orange", "broccoli", "carrot", "hot dog", "pizza", "donut", "cake", "chair", "sofa", "pottedplant", "bed", "diningtable", "toilet", "tvmonitor", "laptop", "mouse", "remote", "keyboard", "cell phone", "microwave", "oven", "toaster", "sink", "refrigerator", "book", "clock", "vase", "scissors", "teddy bear", "hair drier", "toothbrush" ]
11def get_frame(socket, size):
12    bytes = socket.recv(4096)
13    while True:
14        read = 4096
15        if size-len(bytes) < read:
16            read = size-len(bytes)
17        bytes += socket.recv(read)
18        if size == len(bytes):
19            return bytes
21sock = socket.socket()
22sock.connect((OAK_IP, 5000))
25    COLOR = (127,255,0)
26    while True:
27        header = str(sock.recv(32), encoding="ascii")
28        chunks = re.split(' +', header)
29        if chunks[0] == "IMG":
30            print(f">{header}<")
31            ts = float(chunks[1])
32            imgSize = int(chunks[2])
33            det_len = int(chunks[3])
35            if 0 < det_len: # If there are detections, read them
36                det_str = str(sock.recv(det_len), encoding="ascii")
38            img = get_frame(sock, imgSize) # Get image frame
39            img_planar = np.frombuffer(img, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(3, 352, 640) # Reshape (it's in planar)
40            img_interleaved = img_planar.transpose(1, 2, 0).copy() # Convert to interleaved (cv2 requires this)
41            # Visualize detections:
42            if 0 < det_len:
43                dets = det_str.split("|") # Deserialize detections
44                for det in dets:
45                    det_section = det.split(";")
46                    class_id = int(det_section[0])
47                    confidence = float(det_section[1])
48                    bbox = [ # Convert from relative to absolute
49                        int(float(det_section[2]) * img_interleaved.shape[1]),
50                        int(float(det_section[3]) * img_interleaved.shape[0]),
51                        int(float(det_section[4]) * img_interleaved.shape[1]),
52                        int(float(det_section[5]) * img_interleaved.shape[0])
53                    ]
54                    cv2.putText(img_interleaved, labels[class_id], (bbox[0] + 10, bbox[1] + 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 0.5, COLOR)
55                    cv2.putText(img_interleaved, f"{int(confidence)}%", (bbox[0] + 10, bbox[1] + 40), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 0.5, COLOR)
56                    cv2.rectangle(img_interleaved, (bbox[0], bbox[1]), (bbox[2], bbox[3]), COLOR, 2)
58            # Display the frame with visualized detections
59            cv2.imshow("Img", img_interleaved)
61        if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q'):
62            break
63except Exception as e:
64    print("Error:", e)
Full code (both oak.py and host.py) can be found here. Note that for Standalone mode, you might want to flash static IP, so you don't have to change the IP in the code every time.


Bootloader handles booting up the flashed application (standalone mode), and we suggest using the latest bootloader, which can be flashed using the Device Manager (GUI tool). To view the API code behind it, see Flash Bootloader example code (just API script).

Flash the pipeline

After you have the (standalone) Pipeline defined and latest Bootloader flashed on the device, you can flash the pipeline to the device, along with its assets (eg. NN models). You can flash the pipeline with the following snippet:
1import depthai as dai
3pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
5# Define standalone pipeline; add nodes and link them
6# cam = pipeline.create(dai.node.ColorCamera)
7# script = pipeline.create(dai.node.Script)
8# ...
10# Flash the pipeline
11(f, bl) = dai.DeviceBootloader.getFirstAvailableDevice()
12bootloader = dai.DeviceBootloader(bl)
13progress = lambda p : print(f'Flashing progress: {p*100:.1f}%')
14bootloader.flash(progress, pipeline)
After successfully flashing the pipeline, it will get started automatically when you power up the device. If you would like to change the flashed pipeline, simply re-flash it again.

DepthAI Application Package (.dap)

Alternatively, you can also flash the pipeline with the Device Manager. For this approach, you will need a Depthai Application Package (.dap), which you can create with the following script:
1import depthai as dai
3pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
5# Define standalone pipeline; add nodes and link them
6# cam = pipeline.create(dai.node.ColorCamera)
7# script = pipeline.create(dai.node.Script)
8# ...
10# Create Depthai Application Package (.dap)
11(f, bl) = dai.DeviceBootloader.getFirstAvailableDevice()
12bootloader = dai.DeviceBootloader(bl)
13bootloader.saveDepthaiApplicationPackage(pipeline=pipeline, path=<path_of_new_dap>)

Clear flash

Since pipeline will start when powering the device, this can lead to unnecessary heating. If you would like to clear the flashed pipeline, use the code snippet below.
1import depthai as dai
2(f, bl) = dai.DeviceBootloader.getFirstAvailableDevice()
3if not f:
4    print('No devices found, exiting...')
5    exit(-1)
7with dai.DeviceBootloader(bl) as bootloader:
8    bootloader.flashClear()
9    print('Successfully cleared bootloader flash')

Factory reset

In case you have soft-bricked your device, or just want to clear everything (flashed pipeline/assets and bootloader config), we recommend using the Device Manager. Factory reset will also flash the latest bootloader.