
This message is used to configure the ToF node.

Examples of functionality


class depthai.ToFConfig

ToFConfig message. Carries config for feature tracking algorithm

class DepthParams

DepthParams configuration structure.

class TypeFMod

Frequency modulation frames used for depth calculation. If the ToF sensor supports multiple modulation frequencies, all will be used for depth calculation.





property name
property avgPhaseShuffle

Enable averaging between phases with same modulation frequency(e.g. for ToF cameras with phase shuffle). The depth frame rate will be half if this is enabled

property median

Set kernel size for depth median filtering, or disable

property minimumAmplitude

Perform depth calculation only for pixels with amplitude greater than provided value

get(self: depthai.ToFConfig)depthai.RawToFConfig

Retrieve configuration data for ToF.


config for feature tracking algorithm

getData(self: object) → numpy.ndarray[numpy.uint8]

Get non-owning reference to internal buffer


Reference to internal buffer

getRaw(self: depthai.ADatatype)depthai.RawBuffer
getSequenceNum(self: depthai.Buffer)int

Retrieves sequence number

getTimestamp(self: depthai.Buffer)datetime.timedelta

Retrieves timestamp related to dai::Clock::now()

getTimestampDevice(self: depthai.Buffer)datetime.timedelta

Retrieves timestamp directly captured from device’s monotonic clock, not synchronized to host time. Used mostly for debugging

set(self: depthai.ToFConfig, config: depthai.RawToFConfig)depthai.ToFConfig

Set explicit configuration.

Parameter config:

Explicit configuration

setAvgPhaseShuffle(self: depthai.ToFConfig, arg0: bool)depthai.ToFConfig
setData(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. setData(self: depthai.Buffer, arg0: List[int]) -> None

Parameter data:

Copies data to internal buffer

  1. setData(self: depthai.Buffer, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.uint8]) -> None

Parameter data:

Copies data to internal buffer

setDepthParams(self: depthai.ToFConfig, config: depthai.RawToFConfig.DepthParams)depthai.ToFConfig
setFreqModUsed(self: depthai.ToFConfig, arg0: depthai.RawToFConfig.DepthParams.TypeFMod)depthai.ToFConfig
setMedianFilter(self: depthai.ToFConfig, arg0: depthai.MedianFilter)depthai.ToFConfig
Parameter median:

Set kernel size for median filtering, or disable

setMinAmplitude(self: depthai.ToFConfig, arg0: float)depthai.ToFConfig
setSequenceNum(self: depthai.Buffer, arg0: int)depthai.Buffer

Retrieves sequence number

setTimestamp(self: depthai.Buffer, arg0: datetime.timedelta)depthai.Buffer

Sets timestamp related to dai::Clock::now()

setTimestampDevice(self: depthai.Buffer, arg0: datetime.timedelta)depthai.Buffer

Sets timestamp related to dai::Clock::now()

class dai::ToFConfig : public dai::Buffer

ToFConfig message. Carries config for feature tracking algorithm

Public Types

using DepthParams = RawToFConfig::DepthParams

Public Functions


Construct ToFConfig message.

ToFConfig(std::shared_ptr<RawToFConfig> ptr)
~ToFConfig() = default
ToFConfig &setDepthParams(dai::ToFConfig::DepthParams config)
ToFConfig &setFreqModUsed(dai::ToFConfig::DepthParams::TypeFMod fmod)
ToFConfig &setAvgPhaseShuffle(bool enable)
ToFConfig &setMinAmplitude(float minamp)
ToFConfig &setMedianFilter(MedianFilter median)

  • median: Set kernel size for median filtering, or disable

ToFConfig &set(dai::RawToFConfig config)

Set explicit configuration.

  • config: Explicit configuration

dai::RawToFConfig get() const

Retrieve configuration data for ToF.


config for feature tracking algorithm

Private Functions

std::shared_ptr<RawBuffer> serialize() const override

Private Members

RawToFConfig &cfg

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